Flying Dragon Agheel

flying dragon agheel 2 bosses elden ring wiki 600px1 min
Location Dragon-Burnt Ruins
Drops 5,000 runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18 Runes (NG)
1,250 runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18 Runes (NG, Co-op)

Other Drops:

Dragon Heart
HP 3,200
  Weaker to

Flying Dragon Agheel is a Greater Enemy Boss in Elden Ring. This Elden Ring Flying Dragon Agheel Guide features boss locations, tips, strategies and videos on how to defeat Agheel easily, as well as boss stats and lore for Agheel. Bosses are unique and challenging Enemies that can be encountered all over the Lands Between. Great Enemy bosses can drop unique Spirit AshesWeaponsSpells, and other various Items. This is an optional boss, as players don't need to defeat it in order to advance in Elden Ring. However, doing so yields useful items, as well as Runes.

Lesser Dragon is the normal enemy form of this boss. Other bosses with the same basic attacks are Flying Dragon GreyllDecaying EkzykesGlintstone Dragon SmaragGlintstone Dragon Adula, and Borealis the Freezing FogGlintstone Dragon is a normal enemy with the same basic attacks.


The dead gazed at the skies over the lakes of Limgrave, praying that the dragons' flames would burn them to ash.

Where to find Flying Dragon Agheel in Elden Ring

The Flying Dragon Agheel boss can be found at the Dragon-Burnt Ruins in Limgrave, the ruins can be found around the center area of Agheel Lake. This is an optional boss, the dragon will spawn when approaching the the small island northwest of the actual ruins site, with a bonfire and some followers there. [Map Link]


Elden Ring Flying Dragon Agheel Boss

  • This is an optional boss
  • Closest Site of Grace: Agheel Lake North
  • Multiplayer is allowed for this boss
  • You can summon Spirit Ashes for this boss
  • NPC Summons: Bloody Finger Hunter Yura. Yura is just north of the Seaside Ruins Site of Grace, located to the right of the white fallen piece of ruins (if looking at the map). Speak to him after attacking and dying to Flying Dragon Agheel at least once, and he'll chastise you for trying to fight it. His summon sign will then be available next to the Stake of Marika for Flying Dragon Agheel

Flying Dragon Agheel Combat information

Negations (or Absorptions)

The negation numbers are the % of your damage that gets blocked. For example, if a negation is 60, 40% of that damage by that type will go through and 60% will be negated. Bigger number = less damage. A negation of 100 means no damage goes through, and a negation of -100 mean the enemy takes 2x damage from that source. 0 means damage goes pretty much as is.


The resistance numbers are the buildup amount to trigger it. For example, if a resistance is 100 you must deal 100 points of the given buildup to trigger it. Note that these go down over time, and increase each time the effect procs. The values after the "/"s indicate the increased resistances after each successive proc.

  NG NG+ NG+2 NG+3 NG+4 NG+5 NG+6 NG+7
HP 3,200 6,716 7,387 7,723 8,059 8,730 9,066 9,402
Defense 106 117 120 123 129 135 141 153
runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18Runes 5,000 20,000 22,000 22,500 24,000 24,500 25,000 25,500


poison status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxPoison 526 / 816 / 1273 273 / 563 / 1020 277 / 567 / 1024 281 / 571 / 1028 285 / 575 / 1032 289 / 579 / 1036 293 / 583 / 1040 297 / 587 / 1044
scarlet rot status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxScarlet Rot 526 / 816 / 1273 273 / 563 / 1020 277 / 567 / 1024 281 / 571 / 1028 285 / 575 / 1032 289 / 579 / 1036 293 / 583 / 1040 297 / 587 / 1044
hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxHemorrhage 526 / 816 / 1273 273 / 563 / 1020 277 / 567 / 1024 281 / 571 / 1028 285 / 575 / 1032 289 / 579 / 1036 293 / 583 / 1040 297 / 587 / 1044
frostbite status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxFrostbite 526 / 816 / 1273 273 / 563 / 1020 277 / 567 / 1024 281 / 571 / 1028 285 / 575 / 1032 289 / 579 / 1036 293 / 583 / 1040 297 / 587 / 1044
sleep status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxSleep Immune
madness status effect elden ring wiki guide 25pxMadness Immune


Flying Dragon Agheel Boss Guide for Elden Ring

Video Guide for Flying Dragon Agheel Boss



Flying Dragon Agheel Fight Strategy 

The Best Tips for Flying Dragon Agheel:

  • Kaiden Sellsword Ashes can get in a good bit of damage before vanishing
  • Use Torrent to quickly close distance when Agheel flies away and more easily dodge its breath attacks
  • Be cautious when summoning a player for co-op. In addition to increasing the boss's HP, co-op will prevent you from riding Torrent
  • Try to hit its head whenever possible for bonus damage
  • Use Rock Sling for its high stance damage
  • Use Dragonwound Grease for 30% bonus damage
Melee Strategies

Knight vs Dragon: Stay on Torrent and ride in and out, swiping at his wings and feet as you go by but always staying on the move. Staying on Torrent has a number of benefits: you can quickly close distance when Agheel flies away, you can more easily maneuver out of the way of breath attacks, and you can wear the heaviest armor you have without penalty. But you won't be able to land heavy attacks or easily hit the dragon's head, and the lack of a proper dodge makes it dangerous to stay beneath its legs.

Heads Up: Agheel's head takes bonus damage, so focus on trying to land hits on it. Spears and Great Spears are great weapon options, since dragons are weaker to pierce damage, but anything with long reach will do. Stand in front of the boss—most of its forward-facing attacks can be punished with a hit on the head (see Attacks & Counters for details). Its most dangerous attacks from this position are Strafe and Retreat, so if you see it fly up into the air with fire at its mouth start running as quickly as you can. You can also mount up first if you can react in time for Torrent's extra speed to make up for the mounting time.

Footsies: Many of Agheel's attacks can be avoided by simply running towards its feet. Although they don't take as much damage as its head, they're much easier to get in hits on. If you're going for this strategy, it's important to learn the timing of its High and Low Stomp attacks—if you can reliably jump attack over the shockwaves, you'll be able to keep up the pressure even when the dragon tries to punish you for staying out of range of its bites. You'll still need to be ready to run as soon as it starts a flying breath attack, though.


Magic and Ranged Strategy

Ride & Range: Stay on Torrent a few lengths away from Agheel's, lock on, and pepper it with ranged attacks. You have the advantage of being able to reliably target its head for bonus damage, but be aware that its attacks can cover a lot of ground quickly to time your shots carefully and be ready to back off further if necessary. Some attacks, like Sweeping/Tracking Breath and Charge are most easily dodged if you ride towards the dragon, so don't be afraid to go in and then come back out to prepare for more attacks.


Shield Up: If you are on foot, bring a good shield for your right hand. It'll be a lot harder for you to get out of the way when Agheel really wants to close in on you, so being able to block a physical attack as a backup option will help keep you alive.

Attacks & Counters

Low Stomp Keeping its head and wing high, raises one foot up to about the level of the other knee, then stomps it down to the ground, creating a small shockwave Move a few paces away, then do a jump attack towards the other leg when its tail dips down and its leg begins to fall
High Stomp Keeping its head and wing low, raises one foot up to the level of its hips, then stomps it down to the ground, creating a small shockwave Move a few paces away, then do a jump attack towards the other leg when its tail dips down and its leg begins to fall
Lunging Stomp Pivots its right foot back, puts its right talon on the ground, raises its left foot feet, and stomps forwards, creating a large shockwave around the area of impact The easiest option is to run forward, get underneath it, and start attacking its back legs. Alternatively, sprint backwards and stand along the center line of Agheel's body. As it stomps, charge a heavy attack and release it as its head comes down.
Bite Lowers its head and bends it in one direction, opening its mouth and roaring. Then bites in the opposite direction to the one it bent its head Either roll forward as you see it start raising its wings, sprint forwards as soon as you see it open its mouth to avoid the attack entirely, or step back out of range and prepare a charged heavy attack as it lowers its head following the second bite
Wing Slam Takes a step back, pulls back the wing on the same side, then slams the front of it down Either run forward when you see it step back and attack its feet; or run in the opposite direction from where it stepped, then turn around once the slam happens to get in a hit on its head
Wing Sweep Pulls back one wing, then sweeps it across the ground Either run forward when you see it pull its wing back and attack its feet; or run in the opposite direction from the wing it pulls back, then turn around once the slam happens to get in a hit on its head
 Charge Roars, then runs forwards, lowering its head to its right as it goes. After taking two steps forward, swings its head counterclockwise and up to gore you with its horn It doesn't do any damage until its head starts swinging, so sprint forward and get near its feet
Tail Whip Curls its tail clockwise, then stretches it out and spins counterclockwise. Usually used when you're behind Agheel Roll clockwise as you see the tail coming at you. If you're mounted, you can double jump to save yourself, but Torrent will probably get killed
Spin Bite Turns its head clockwise to look behind it, opens its mouth, and then bites at the player. Usually used when you're behind Agheel Either run forward towards its feet when you see it turn around, or roll when you see its mouth coming at you
Whip & Gore Curls its tail clockwise and lifts its right wing, then spins around to face the player, sweeping their tail counterclockwise and then sweeping their head counterclockwise shortly afterwards. Usually used when you're behind Agheel Roll backwards and to your left through the tail whip and you'll be out of range for the gore and able to attack the head
Repositioning Hop Leaps into the air and glides a short distance before landing, turning around to face the player as they do so Sprint towards Agheel
Dive Bomb Leaps backwards into the sky and hovers for three wingbeats (including liftoff), then dives down to land on you, creating a small shockwave as it lands Count three wingbeats, then roll as Agheel begins to drop. After you recover from the roll, sprint towards the head and land a jumping attack on the snout
Sweeping Breath Arches its neck, then breathes a gout of flame clockwise for a long distance in front of it. Usually used when you're far away Sprint forwards, ideally on Torrent, bearing left to give yourself as much time as possible. Hit its head if you have time before the attack completes
Tracking Breath Arches its neck, then breathes a gout of flame directly at you, slowly following you as you move. Usually used when you're far away Sprint diagonally forwards, ideally on Torrent. Hit its head if you have time before the attack completes
Retreat Leaps backwards into the air and hovers there, spewing flame on the ground in a wide radius Sprint directly away. If you don't react in time, you can mount Torrent and he'll absorb most of the flame. Once the fire has dissipated, run back towards Agheel
Strafe Leaps backwards into the air with its body at a noticeable angle. Flies directly forward, spewing a jet of fire to its left that covers a large amount of ground Sprint to your left as quickly as you can, ideally on Torrent, and try to outrun the fire. Once it's finished, run back towards the dragon. If you're close enough when the attack starts, you can also run underneath the dragon to avoid the attack entirely

Elden Ring Flying Dragon Agheel Lore, Notes & Other Trivia

  • Agheel and Greyll are the only two flying dragons who share the same moveset with no noticeable differences
  • Agheel is one of the five named dragons who do not have a specified gender (the other four being Borealis the Freezing Fog, Flying Dragon Greyll, Glintstone Dragon Adula, and Magma Wyrm Makar)
  • Agheel can damage and be damaged by the large crabs in the swamp nearby
  • Agheel's Flame suggests that the various Wandering Nobles are praying to the dragon in hopes that it will free them from undeath
  • Agheel was part of the closed network test from before Elden Ring was released

Flying Dragon Agheel Combo Chart

agheel combo chart


Flying Dragon Agheel Image Gallery

flying dragon agheel 2 bosses elden ring wiki 600pxflying dragon agheel bosses elden ring wiki 600px


Elden Ring Bosses
Abductor Virgins  â™¦  Adan, Thief of Fire  â™¦  Alabaster Lord  â™¦  Alecto Black Knife Ringleader  â™¦  Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader  â™¦  Ancestor Spirit  â™¦  Ancient Dragon Lansseax  â™¦  Ancient Dragon Senessax  â™¦  Ancient Dragon-Man  â™¦  Ancient Hero of Zamor  â™¦  Astel Naturalborn of the Void  â™¦  Astel, Stars of Darkness  â™¦  Base Serpent Messmer  â™¦  Battlemage Hugues  â™¦  Bayle The Dread  â™¦  Beast Clergyman  â™¦  Beastman of Farum Azula  â™¦  Bell Bearing Hunter  â™¦  Black Blade Kindred  â™¦  Black Knife Assassin  â™¦  Black Knight Edredd  â™¦  Black Knight Garrew  â™¦  Bloodhound Knight  â™¦  Bloodhound Knight Darriwil  â™¦  Borealis the Freezing Fog  â™¦  Cemetery Shade  â™¦  Chief Bloodfiend  â™¦  Cleanrot Knight  â™¦  Commander Gaius  â™¦  Commander Niall  â™¦  Commander O'Neil  â™¦  Count Ymir Mother of Fingers  â™¦  Crucible Knight  â™¦  Crucible Knight and Misbegotten Warrior  â™¦  Crucible Knight Ordovis  â™¦  Crucible Knight Siluria  â™¦  Crystalians  â™¦  Curseblade Labirith  â™¦  Dancer of Ranah  â™¦  Death Knight  â™¦  Death Rite Bird  â™¦  Deathbird  â™¦  Decaying Ekzykes  â™¦  Demi-Human Chief  â™¦  Demi-Human Queen Gilika  â™¦  Demi-Human Queen Maggie  â™¦  Demi-Human Queen Margot  â™¦  Demi-Human Queen Marigga  â™¦  Demi-Human Swordmaster Onze  â™¦  Divine Beast Dancing Lion  â™¦  Draconic Tree Sentinel  â™¦  Dragonkin Soldier  â™¦  Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella  â™¦  Dragonlord Placidusax  â™¦  Dryleaf Dane (Boss)  â™¦  Elden Beast  â™¦  Elemer of the Briar  â™¦  Erdtree Avatar  â™¦  Esgar, Priest of Blood  â™¦  Fallingstar Beast  â™¦  Fell Twins  â™¦  Fia's champions  â™¦  Fire Giant  â™¦  Flying Dragon Greyll  â™¦  Frenzied Duelist  â™¦  Ghostflame Dragon  â™¦  Glintstone Dragon Adula  â™¦  Glintstone Dragon Smarag  â™¦  God-Devouring Serpent  â™¦  Godefroy the Grafted  â™¦  Godfrey the Grafted  â™¦  Godfrey, First Elden Lord  â™¦  Godfrey, First Elden Lord (Golden Shade)  â™¦  Godrick the Grafted  â™¦  Godskin Apostle  â™¦  Godskin Apostle & Godskin Noble  â™¦  Godskin Apostle (Caelid)  â™¦  Godskin Apostle and Godskin Noble  â™¦  Godskin Duo  â™¦  Godskin Noble  â™¦  Golden Hippopotamus  â™¦  Grafted Scion  â™¦  Great Wyrm Theodorix  â™¦  Guardian Golem  â™¦  Hoarah Loux, Warrior  â™¦  Jagged Peak Drake  â™¦  Jori Elder Inquisitor  â™¦  Kindfred of Rot  â™¦  Kindred of Rot  â™¦  Knight of the Solitary Gaol  â™¦  Lamenter  â™¦  Leonine Misbegotten  â™¦  Lichdragon Fortissax  â™¦  Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree  â™¦  Mad Pumpkin Head  â™¦  Magma Wyrm  â™¦  Magma Wyrm Makar  â™¦  Malenia Blade of Miquella  â™¦  Maliketh, the Black Blade  â™¦  Margit, The Fell Omen  â™¦  Messmer the Impaler  â™¦  Metyr Mother of Fingers  â™¦  Midra Lord of Frenzied Flame  â™¦  Mimic Tear  â™¦  Miranda the Blighted Bloom  â™¦  Misbegotten Crusader  â™¦  Misbegotten Warrior  â™¦  Mohg, Lord of Blood  â™¦  Mohg, the Omen  â™¦  Morgott the Omen King  â™¦  Necromancer Garris  â™¦  Night's Cavalry  â™¦  Nox Swordstress & Nox Priest  â™¦  Omenkiller  â™¦  Omenkiller and Miranda, the Blighted Bloom  â™¦  Onyx Lord  â™¦  Perfumer Tricia  â™¦  Promised Consort Radahn  â™¦  Putrescent Knight  â™¦  Putrid Crystalians  â™¦  Putrid Grave Warden Duelist  â™¦  Putrid Tree Spirit  â™¦  Radagon of the Golden Order  â™¦  Radahn Consort of Miquella  â™¦  Rakshasa  â™¦  Ralva the Great Red Bear  â™¦  Red Bear  â™¦  Red Wolf of Radagon  â™¦  Red Wolf of the Champion  â™¦  Regal Ancestor Spirit  â™¦  Rellana Twin Moon Knight  â™¦  Romina Saint of the Bud  â™¦  Roundtable Knight Vyke  â™¦  Royal Knight Loretta  â™¦  Royal Revenant  â™¦  Rugalea the Great Red Bear  â™¦  Runebear  â™¦  Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy  â™¦  Scadutree Avatar  â™¦  Scaly Misbegotten  â™¦  Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing (Boss)  â™¦  Soldier of Godrick  â™¦  Spirit-Caller Snail  â™¦  Starscourge Radahn  â™¦  Stonedigger Troll  â™¦  Tibia Mariner  â™¦  Tree Sentinel  â™¦  Ulcerated Tree Spirit  â™¦  Valiant Gargoyle  â™¦  Wormface

Tired of anon posting? Register!
    • Anonymous

      One of the most bugged dragon fights in the franchise, not saying much since From can't make a dragon fight without bugs and camera issues. This MF flies to the cliff, stays there, you go to the cliff, he respawns in the swamp. In the actual fight you get stuck in trees, rocks and those mosquito things keep popin in the screen so the camera switch and you can't hit him. If you are lucky, he won't jump backwards three times in a row, making this an incredibly tedious fight. Try to fight him as a brand new character around SL 15, with no magic/ranged is no fun, even Midir was better than the dragons in ED. Placidusax is WAY fair.

      • Anonymous

        His AI loves to just completely leave the lake and he will flee forever. Bro seriously took me almost to the gatefront ruins, completely leaving the lake behind.

        • Anonymous

          If you want a cheese strategy: jump on torrent and pace at a moderate distance in front of him to bait his grounded fire breathing attacks.

          His fire will only ever sweep from his left to right or be a slowly tracking straight shot, in both cases ride to your left.
          While he is stuck in the animation you can land some free hits on his right wing, or you can use ranged skills like Reduvia blood blade or flame of frenzy. Once his animation ends, jump on torrent and return to middle distance. Rinse and repeat.

          Will he try to fly away, land awkwardly on a cliff face, and clip around? Yes.
          Will the camera be a pain in the ass to deal with? Yes.
          But he will sooon be dead, and you will be safe.

          • Anonymous

            The fact you can fight him on horseback makes it 100x more fun than any dragon boss fight in previous souls games.

            • Anonymous

              Reduvia dagger's works well. Use the Blood Blade ability and stand in front of him aiming for the head. Just need to make sure you have torrent ready to be able to move out the way of his flame attacks and have a few ashen estus.

              • Anonymous

                anyone who is intimidated by fighting a dragon, take note: he's easier than he looks
                give it a go and you'll see it's not that bad!

                • Anonymous

                  you can just stand behind the rock in the start of the game and just shoot him with your bow, takes around 70-80 arrows

                  • Anonymous

                    The boss isnt bad or hardcore,but half the time i felt like fighting the freaking camera instead of the dragon itself....or wel...terrain

                    • Anonymous

                      Killed him at level 37. I'm a noob. Never played Souls before. The best strat was to go for his legs multiple times while he is breathing fire. HTH. I could not find Yura's summon point.

                      • Anonymous

                        This guy isn’t spawning. I’ve watched every walkthrough. Nothing. Any helps with this? I mentally can’t progress until this is finished.

                        • Anonymous

                          He killed me when he swept into the arena. Not one of my finest moments. I beat him on my horseback on the third try. Easy boss. Does good damage, but highly telegraphed moveset and huge openings to hit him.

                          • Anonymous

                            If you want Yura to join you, you can use torrent to get the dragon down to like 10% health, then go over and summon Yura and get the extra dialogue from him afterwards. He doesn't need to be in the entire fight.

                            • Anonymous

                              Best strat I've used is to grab the fan knives from Patches and then going directly under the dragon. I had all 20 knives land and destroyed half his health. After that , I used Bestial Sling to finish the other half of his health.

                              • Anonymous

                                Just beat it yesterday at around lv30, really the best strategy is to destroy his feet when he's on land, get on your horse when he flies (praying for this thing not to go crash itself in a cliffside), and just dodge his breath attacks. I didn't get caught even once by his fire breath. Also attacking his head while on Torrent can stun it I think cause that's how I finished his last quarter of health. Fun fight nonetheless

                                • Anonymous

                                  Buy the short bow by the shore store then 99 arrows if you have smithstones use them on the bow and attack from underneat the rock, kill the giant crab first also get 40 knives easy kill for me early on the game \¤/

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Add more to the last sentence below: or simply comeback later with more vigor and then summon me or a co op. It’s hard to help you when you can’t survive one dragon breath attack

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Second worst garbage in Limgrave.
                                      He just keeps running away and spitting fire that does far too much damage for far too long and in a far too big area for a starting zone.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        It took me over a hundred or so hours, entering new game+ and starting a playthrough with a whole new character to make me realize that your supposed to hit Dragons in the head to take them down most effectively, I am very much big dumb.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          This dragon made me love this game. It's amazing, unexpected entrance. Unfortunately, the whole "large, flying bosses" has been shown since this admittedly awesome first impression to just, not work in this game.

                                          So many times, dragons (and other large field bosses) just yeet up cliffs, stand on their heads, land on ludicrously small trees, DISAPPEAR, die for no reason etc. I appreciate the epic dragon fights (this one especially because of the first impression), but it almost always ends up looking ridiculous at some point. The last time I fought this guy, he ended up walking upside down on a cliff where I couldn't hit him (or him hit me). He just walked around on thin air, impotently breathing fire every now and again. It was just kinda sad.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            You don't need to die to agheel to summon Yura. I just triggered the fight, hit them with a ranged attack, and ran. I was able to summon Yura afterwards.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Perhaps, some clarification should be made on how to have Yura’s NPC summon sign appeared near the stake of Marika. The following three conditions must be met:
                                              1. Die to the dragon (no need to speak to Yura and hear his initial monolog about some danger lurking at the lake)
                                              2. Respawn at the site of grace (not at the stake of Marika)
                                              3. Speak to Yura and hear him berating the player for fighting with the dragon

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Great epee around the ankles throws this guy off so much, I don’t think he even got a flame off! Poke poke poke.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  First time fighting agheel has gotta be one of my most memorable experience in the game.

                                                  I remember seeing lots of people gather in that island and then i was like "hey can i join the party too?" before agheel landed on me from nowhere lol

                                                  Although i did kill him first try, it was still really really close, at that time i was still dependent on torrent for the dragon fights and both him and i only had a few inches of health left, with no flask too

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Damn, they really nailed the dragon fight in this game. In fact, it is so good, they decided you should it thirty times. And each time the dragon ate a different kind of crayon beforehand meaning his attacks now do blue damage instead of red damage. Amazing.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Man, felt like such a badass picking a fight with this dragon. I even got a riposte on it. Not too hard, but god did it feel good.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Is it just me or.. does this thing have the exact ****ing same moveset as the Kraekan Wyvern from Salt and Sanctuary but in 3D? It has the flying flame stream, lowering it's head to spew flames at you, turning around to whack you with it's tail etc.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Just killed this dragon.
                                                          Felt pretty manly.
                                                          Then a dragonfly just poked my injured ass and killed me.
                                                          Felt less manly

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            You can easily cheese him using horseback archery. Arrow's Reach Talisman should be obtainable early on, and considering that the same strategy is viable to other flying dragons I've fought so far, Arrow's Sting Talisman is also good in those situations when available.
                                                            Keep your distance and dodge his breaths. In between attacks he should walk in your direction for a while, with his head fairly locked in position - that's when you want to shoot it as much as possible. After some attacks, and sometimes due to the terrain, he may be turning or walk not straight at you - you can still chip some health doing body shots then. It doesn't even take that long.
                                                            I do recommend to use at least Long Bow or Horn Bow.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              What is the dudes name that is under that rubble by a campfire telling you to not take on the dragon? I wonder what his hat is called. I have seen people with it. Wonder if they killed him or if you get his armor after some questline perhaps.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                I have completed the game, I am now level 235 and increasing rapidly. But Agheel is still there in limgrave. Lurking in fear. He knows one day I'll come back. He has tasted hits from me time to time. He knows I'm not the lv5 wimp he one-shotted way bacl. He will taste bitter defeat soon.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Yura is f*king useless against agheel. Anytime the the dragon jumps or flies away he just stands next to me like a lost dog

                                                                  • Can anyone else confirm this? I have been trying to take him down with Yura, and if Yura is summoned I am unable to use Torrent for the battle. This seems pretty ****ish to me and just want to make sure it's not something else that I've done. As soon as I die and Yura is no longer summoned, the whistle works again...

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but it doesn't seem to be spawning in NG+

                                                                      I killed it in my first journey... but I don't think that's supposed to affect it.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but it doesn't seem to be spawning in NG+

                                                                        I killed it in my first journey... but I don't think that's supposed to affect it.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but it doesn't seem to be spawning in NG+

                                                                          I killed it in my first journey... but I don't think that's supposed to affect it.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Can't seem to get 'The Flame of Agheel'. Every time I kill him it just unlocks all the basic breath attacks. What am I doing wrong?

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Managed to get him stuck on the Cliff into a infinite falling Pose. Games unstuck system killed him instantly after a little bit of wait. 10/10 Game will try again in ng+

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                I beat this thing fairly easily by shotting him down while hiding under the ruins that form a tunnel along the side of the lake. He can't get inside, so if you are patient you can slowly shoot him and avoid his fire breath inside.

                                                                                • Being in front of a standard dragon as a melee class to bait an attack is stupid. It's considerably safer, and allows much easier access to the head to stay under their head/neck. You can easily hit the head with jumping attacks and with an adequately upgraded one with corresponding stat investment you can easily break any regular, meaning not of the elder or wyrm varieties, dragon's stance for a critical attack.

                                                                                  As far as the breath attacks go, the one where they fly up and backward is extremely easy to avoid, don't try to dodge it. Instead when they start run straight back away from it. Then saddle Torrent and get back under them to rinse and repeat.

                                                                                  I regularly kill Agheel with pre-20 characters like this, and Greyll with lvl 20-30 after getting ported to Gurrang.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    You can summon Yura, the Bloody Finger Hunter, as help to fight him. His summon sign is between the ruins and Agheel, slightly behind the Stake of Marika where you get revived.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      I get that he's an easy fight, but the important thing is that he's really fun to fight on Torrent. Not every fight has to be a ball-buster, being enjoyable is the only requirement.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Some "hollows" put up a sacrifice to the dragon, someone tied to a "cross" which was set on fire, on the northeast side of the lake. The moment i saw the sacrifice light up, the dragon immediately swept down. It was nighttime to me. Try walking around that part of the lake for a while until it happens.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          "stay at the ruins and wait a couple of minutes" doesn't work. He spawned when I moved closer to the bonfire at the north-east of the lake.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            Aggro the dragon from the ledge, catch him in the right spot, as he walks towards, you can catch him on the tree, just keeps walking, with enough arrows or botls, you can cheese him

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              Like many other things in this game, he feels a lot less special when I see him again, and again, and again.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                If you're still terrible on the horse like I am just fight it in the W/NW area of the lake. It'll usually get stuck on one of the walls and you can proceed to smack him in the face without repercussions. I also could take ~1/4 of his health bar just hitting it in the face with Rock Sling as the fight starts.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  EASIEST BOSS TYPE I HAVE CAME UP AGAINST SO FAR IN ANY OF THE SOULS LIKE GAMES, FIRST TRY I WIN NO PROBLEM.

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    I just found the easiest way to beat him, I got on torrent and made him chase me to the torn up church piece that has a crab under it, he will go up on the top of the cliff, once up their it will take you out of the fight, go around and get up on the cliff he will slowly try to walk back off the cliff and when he falls he dies

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      Doesn't spawn for me. Seems like if you don't initiate a bossfight in the beginning of the game he moves later in a different location or simply disappears completely in the current playtrhrough.

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        This boss was not hard at all from horse at lvl 25, but man, it was epic! I felt like a Dothraki vs Drogon or some ****

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          This fight does a really good job at teaching you mounted combat and hit-and-run strats vs large enemies.
                                                                                                          You're also rewarded for hopping on and off your horse chaining the combat styles together.
                                                                                                          Man, if only I had Torrent for Dark Eater Midir!

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            Description of how to get him to spawn is incorrect. "stay at the ruins and wait a couple of minutes" is wrong.

                                                                                                            What you need to do is go to the small island northwest of the actual ruins site. There will be a bonfire and some followers there. When approaching the island Agheel will spawn, with quite the entrance.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              Easier than I thought:
                                                                                                              The first thing to do is to choose the collapsed building to the west as the battleground, which is a great shelter from its fiery breath and puts you in a high position enough to hit its head well.
                                                                                                              When he is on the ground, slaughter his legs until he collapses, and then stabbed him.
                                                                                                              Dodge the flying blaze by running to the left.
                                                                                                              Dodging the flying stomp by flipping backwards so that when it lands, its head is ready to be smashed.

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                I kinda cheesed him. I stood on a ledge to the west above him and just fired arrows at him while he walked around in a circle in the swamp below. For being called FLYING Dragon Agheel, he didn’t really live up to his name ^^

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